Monopoly Money

We are playing Safeway Monopoly right now.

Anson is into tearing the ends off the little tickets, and helping me figure out whether or not we have the pieces inside. But he doesn’t truly understand the game.

The other day, we were going through a recent donation of tickets from Grandma Fish when Anson asked me why we were playing Monopoly. My response off-hand probably could have used some work.

“So we can win a million dollars and Mommy won’t have to work anymore.”

Anson liked this.

Today, as we were going through another batch of tickets we had found while cleaning out my car over the weekend, Anson asked if we had won a thousand dollars yet. You know, because if we win a thousand dollars, Mommy won’t have to work anymore.

Oh buddy… I don’t even have a high degree of confidence that $1,000,000 would do it anymore.


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